o porta-voz do bando de Lampião, declarou que todas as contribuições ao bando
foram legais, espontâneas e estão
devidamente registradas nos órgãos competentes. O próprio Capitão Virgulino está
à disposição das autoridades para prestar esclarecimentos a qualquer cabra que
tenha alguma dúvida. Os casos de ilações infundadas serão resolvidos na peixeira.
E toca pra Shakespeare.
66. In my
mind's eye, Horatio
Tradução: No olho da minha
alma, Horácio.
Significado: Na lembrança
Fonte: Hamlet, Ato I, cena 2
Hamlet: My father! methinks I
see my father.
Horatio: Where, my lord?
Hamlet: In my mind's eye,
Hamlet: Meu pai! Creio
ter visto meu pai.
Horácio: Onde, senhor?
Hamlet: No fundo da minha alma, Horácio.
Exemplo moderno: My mind’s eye is blind – so what’s
going on in my brain?
LONG-DISTANCE relationships aren’t easy at the best of times. But
when my girlfriend and I had to move to opposite sides of the US for work, we
faced an obstacle that few others do. I couldn’t picture her face.
It is the same for landscapes and sunsets, parks and rivers: when it
comes to mental imagery, I am blind. At the time, I didn’t think anything of
the fact that I couldn’t conjure up a mental image of my girlfriend at will. I
have never had that ability, so I didn’t know what I was missing. And it wasn’t
as if I have trouble with tasks that you imagine might require such a “mind’s
eye”, like navigating around town or recognising friends. (New Scientist, 20 April 2016)
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