segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2017

Good men and true

A série 'Shakespeare na mídia contemporânea' é uma tentativa de me proteger intelectualmente da sujeira que assola o país. Shakespeare, tende piedade de nós!

51. Good men and true
Tradução: Homens bons e sinceros
Significado: Gente honrada
Fonte: Much Ado About Nothing, Ato III, cena 3
Dogberry: Are you good men and true?
Verges: Yes, or else it were pity but they should suffer salvation, body and soul.

Dogberry: Sois gente honrada e fiel?
Verges: Sim, que de outro modo só por piedade viriam a sofrer a salvação da alma e do corpo.
Exemplo moderno: Recent News:Twelve Good Men… and True
When this phrase was first used in the 17th century, it referred to a jury composed of trustworthy men: ‘he was convicted by a jury of 12 good men and true. Not a wino in the lot’. In those days the word ‘good’ implied distinguished rank or valour. These days, people are not required to be valiant or of high rank, in order to be part of a jury or in this case, one of the Riverland’s highest achieving industry committees, The Riverland Vine Improvement Committee (RVIC). (, 12 May 2016)

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