segunda-feira, 8 de maio de 2017

All's well that ends well

16. All's well that ends well
Tradução: Tudo fica bem quando termina bem.
Significado: Se a coisa acaba bem, ótimo.
Fonte: All's well that ends well (título de uma peça) Ato V, epílogo
Spoken by the King: The king's a beggar now the play is done:
All is well ended if this suit be won.

Falado pelo Rei: Agora que a peça terminou, o rei é mendigo:
Tudo fica bem quando termina bem.

Exemplo moderno: China Currency Manipulation -- All's Well That Ends Well?

Even devoted skeptics of President Trump were astonished this week when he said China was not manipulating its currency. While he had wavered on some other issues, his denunciation of Chinese practices had been a constant. (Forbes, 14 April 2017)

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