terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2016

Vocabulário da corrupção III

Um aluno meu, australiano, embora vivendo no Brasil há algum tempo, tem uma certa dificuldade para entender as notícias sobre os escândalos políticos e econômicos que insistem em não sair das manchetes dos jornais.
Tentando ajudá-lo, eu fiz uma lista das palavras mais frequentes nos nossos noticiários. Para a coisa não ficar fácil demais, ele terá que relacionar os itens em português deste box com as definições ou explicações em inglês que se seguem.
(1)  peculato, (2) corrupção ativa, (3) corrupção passiva, (4) lavagem de dinheiro, (5) formação de quadrilha, (6) improbidade administrativa, (7) mensalão, (8) petrolão, (9) propina, (10) cartel (11) delação premiada, (12) tornozeleira eletrônica, (13) informações privilegiadas, (14) sonegação fiscal, (15) prisão domiciliar

 ‘The process of creating the appearance that large amounts of money obtained from serious crimes, such as drug trafficking or terrorist activity, originated from a legitimate source.’ (Investopedia) ( )

‘A monitoring device used to track criminals who are not being kept in custody.’ (Aktron Systems) ( )

‘Intimate knowledge of the affairs, operations, or financial position of a corporation that will affect the market price of its publicly traded stock.’ (Business Dictionary) ( )

The practice of overbilling for services by a cartel of construction companies working for Petrobras.‘ (Frontera Capital Advisors) ( )

 ‘Process whereby a person, through commission of fraud unlawfully pays less tax than the law mandates.

‘The judicial obligation upon an individual that she/he be forbidden to leave his or her place of residence except for limited, specified circumstances.’ (Duhaime’s Law Dictionary) (  )

Illegally giving money or gifts to somebody, often a government official, so that they will act in your favour..’ (Random Idea English) ( ).

‘An illegal scheme in which competing companies act together and agree prices etc, to their own advantage but against the spirit of competition’ (Random Idea English) ( )

 ‘The fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to a civil servant’s care but actually owned by someone else’ (Vocabulary.com) (  )

‘The offence committed by the official who receives or accepts the bribe (Wikipedia) ( )

‘Clandestine payments made by the Workers’ Party (PT), which won the presidency in 2003, to congressional allies in return for support for its legislative agenda. (The Economist) ( )

‘The negotiation of an agreement between a prosecutor and a defendant whereby the defendant is permitted to plead guilty to a reduced charge.’ (Merriam-Webster) ( )

‘The investigation into corruption at oil giant Petrobras.’ (The New York Times) ( )

‘A secret plan by a group of four or more people to do something bad or illegal, especially in politics.’ (Macmillan) (  )

A portion of an income or profit given to someone as payment for having made the income possible, esp. as in an underhand         scheme involving the use of political or professional influence.’ (The Free Dictionary) ( )

‘The illicit enrichment of public officials and of damages caused to the public coffers.’ (Lexology) ( )

Em segundo lugar, Arthur terá de relacionar as palavras portuguesas do primeiro box com as palavras inglesas deste segundo box.
 ( ) plea bargaining, ( ) kickback, ( ) conspiracy, ( ) crime ring, ( ) big monthy stipend, ( ) money laundering, ( ) administrative misconduct, ( ) embezzlement, ( ) active corruption, ( ) passive corruption, ( ) conspiracy, ( ) inside information, ( ) ankle monitor, (Petrobras scandal), ( ) tax evasion, ( ) Operation Car Wash)

E, para encerrar, vou propor ao Arthur um teste de conhecimentos gerais:
Por qual dos seguintes crimes Al Capone, o famoso gangster de Chicago dos anos 20, foi condenado?

Al Capone

a)   money laundering
b)   murder
c)   conspiracy
d)   drug trafficking
e)   tax evasion

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