domingo, 11 de março de 2018

Tricky Pitfalls 21

Fake News 2
O Presidente Michel Temer, através de uma medida Provisória, tornou a doação de órgãos compulsiva. A partida da entrada em vigor da MP, toda pessoa que venha a falecer, independentemente da vontade da família, torna-se compulsoriamente um doador de órgãos. “É preciso,” declarou o presidente, “pôr fim a essas filas escandalosas de pacientes à espera de uma córnea, um rim etc.”

Tricky Pitfalls 21
101. The results we achieved were just partly satisfactory.
102. Would you be kind enough as to explain this to us once more?
103. I merely suggested we should be kind with this poor fellow.

104. “If you lack in confidence in setting one word after another and sense that you are stuck in a place from which you will never be set free, you must be a writer.” (John McPhee)

105. Last evening I attended a lecture about recycling.

101. The results we achieved were only partly satisfactory. (Just não pode ser usado para exprimir a ideia de ‘não completamente’.)
102. Would you be kind enough to explain this to us once more? (Be kind enough to ou be so kind as to.)
103. I merely suggested we should be kind to this poor fellow. (Kind to, não kind with.)

104. “If you lack confidence in setting one word after another and sense that you are stuck in a place from which you will never be set free, you must be a writer.” (John McPhee) (Lack confidence, não lack in confidence.)

105. Yesterday evening I attended a lecture about recycling. (Yesterday evening ou last night. Ninguém fala last evening )

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