segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2018

Tricky Pitfalls -16

(Câmera na horizontal)
Ao fundo, o Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda, nas proximidades de Brasília. Das janelinhas, acenam para fora presidiários ilustres, como Paulo Maluf, Luiz Estevão, Lúcio Funaro, Geddel Vieira Lima, Rodrigo Rocha Loures e mais alguns outros.
Agora o texto:
“Meu nome é Israel Jelin. Estou parado aqui em frente à Papuda. O que eu vim fazer aqui? Curtir a vista e imaginar os canalhas presos lá dentro. Mas eu tenho um desejo: gostaria que esta prisão ficasse abarrotada de criminosos do colarinho branco. Seria lindo ver um monte de políticos com os bracinhos para fora das grades, mexendo os dedinhos, a indicar que as celas estão superlotadas.  

76. After looking at each of them carefully for a few seconds, the princess made them a graceful bow and said, “Thank you very much indeed.”
77. My father was grown up in Odessa, Ukraine.
78. This tablet is only one year old and is still in guarantee.
79. A businessman has been found guilty to cause the death of a 13-year-old schoolboy who was killed in a £1.2million Ferrari horror crash.
80. Well, I’ve been waiting here in the cold for one and a half hour. I’m afraid he won’t show up at all.

76. After looking at each of them carefully for a few seconds, the princess made them a gracious bow and said, “Thank you very much indeed.” (Gracious: bondoso, gentil, cortês: graceful: gracioso, elegante.)
77. My father grew up in Odessa, Ukraine. (Grow up é um verbo intransitivo e não pode ser usado na voz passiva.)
78. This tablet is only one year old and is still under guarantee. (Under guarantee, não in guarantee.)
79. A businessman has been found guilty of causing the death of a 13-year-old schoolboy who was killed in a £1.2million Ferrari horror crash. (Be found guilty of, não be found guilty to-infinitive.)
80. Well, I’ve been waiting here in the cold for one and a half hours. I’m afraid he won’t show up at all. (Quando o número é maior que 1, o substantivo tem de estar no plural.)

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