sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2018

Tricky pitfalls - 15

Tricky pitfalls – 15
71. She was a very glad, positive and cheerful lady, always willing to help.
72. The glasses you are using are so old-fashioned. They make you look much older than you actually are.
73. In the evening they unexpectely went to our place to pay us a visit.
74. Kate Middleton  was wearing a grey dress with golden buttons bought from one of our shops!
75. “On what ground did the government reject our proposal?” asked the Leader of the Opposition.

71. She was a very Ø positive and cheerful lady, always willing to help. (Glad é um adjetivo predicativo, ou seja, só pode ser usado depois de um verbo de ligação, tipo “I’m glad you’re here.”)
72. The glasses you are wearing are so old-fashioned. They make you look much older than you actually are. (You wear clothes, jewellery, perfume, long hair, a beard, a moustache, etc.; you use a hammer, a key, a pencil, a toothbrush, etc.)
73. In the evening they unexpectely came to our place to pay us a visit. (Come: vir, em nossa direção; go: ir, de onde estamos para outro lugar.)
74. Kate Middleton  was wearing a grey dress with gold buttons bought from one of our shops! (Golden não é, via de regra, usado no sentido de ‘dourado’, isto é, da cor do ouro, exceto no caso de golden hair.)
75. “On what grounds did the government reject our proposal?” asked the Leader of the Opposition. (Grounds [substantivo plural] é usado no sentido de ‘razão’, ‘motivo’.

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