sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

Testando vocabulário em inglês

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Testando vocabulário

No meu último post, mencionei algumas abordagens para expandir o vocabulário dos alunos. Hoje, preparei uma seleção de testes que se utilizam de tais abordagens. Que fique claro que estes testes não são de minha autoria, isto é, não foram escritos por mim para que se encaixassem nas abordagens. Foram, digamos, encontrados ou adaptados de diversas fontes, tais como Objective English Tests, de A. R. B. Etherton (Longman), Know your English, de Geoffrey Broughton (Hutchinson International), Test Papers in English, de A. E. Mills (Longman), International Dictionary of English (Cambridge) Expressões Idiomáticas e Convencionais, de Stella O. Tagnin (Ática) e Small Differences, Huge Mistakes, de Israel Jelin (Disal).

Então vamos lá.

1.   Which word sounds different from the rest?
a)   writ
b)   right
c)   rite
d)   Wright

2.   When you look at a mountain in awe,
a)   you look in comfort
b)   in you look with fear and admiration
c)   you look without interest

3.   Explain the difference between these two sentences:
a)   The child trudges to school in the snow.
b)   The child walks to school in the snow.

4.   What’s the difference between a scholar and a student?

5.   Complete each of the following sentences with the correct word, making any necessary changes: laugh, laughter, laughing, laughable.

a)   They simply roared with_______.
b)   She let out a small________when she heard the news.
c)   He had the nerve________in my face!
d)   I myself thought the idea_________.
e)   With his new haircut he became the­­­­________stock of the whole school.

6.   Proper is to improper as pure is to:
a) mispure
b) inpure
c) impure
d) dispure
e) nonpure

7.   The words spade, diamond and heart all have something to do with:
a)   gardening
b)   the body
c)   playing cards
d)   death
e)   jewellery

8.   Daybreak means:
a)   a day’s holiday
b)   a midday snack
c)   dawn
d)   sunset
e)   the day you retire from work

9.   Which word does not go with all the others?
a)   A spinster
b)   A web
c)   A top
d)   To spin
e)   A trap

10.       When you put the knives, forks and spoons on the table, what are you doing?
a)   Lying the table
b)   Laying the table
c)   Making the table
d)   Doing the table
e)   Putting the table

11.       Which of these is wrong?
a)   A pack of wolves
b)   A pack of cows
c)   A pack of cards
d)   A pack of lies
e)   A pack of hounds

12.       Here are five girls’ names: which one is not the name of flower?
a)   Violet
b)   Rose
c)   Lily
d)   Sheila
e)   Daisy

13.       My son has this irritating______of biting his nails.
a)   habit
b)   custom

14.       These lead pipes should be replaced by copper ones. In this sentence the word lead rhymes with:
a)   red
b)   seed
c)   did
d)   bad

15.       A date is a certain day of a certain month. It can also be:
a)   an address on a letter
b)   a fruit
c)   a song
d)   a hat
e)   a gift

16.       His children believe______everything he says.
a)   in
b)   Ø

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