Em Negrinha, livro de contos de Monteiro
Lobato publicado nos anos 20 do século passado, ‘O Colocador de Pronomes’, é
uma pequena obra prima. Aldrovando Cantagalo, o professor obcecado com a língua
portuguesa, é um dos personagens mais pitorescos da literatura brasileira, da
mesma grandeza, na minha opinião, do Doutor Simão Bacamarte, o alienista de
Machado de Assis.
Reproduzo –
sem, contudo, cometer nenhum spoiler –
a nota final do ‘Colocador de Pronomes’, que pode ser lido em http://sagradomarilia.com.br/arqdownloads/negrinha.pdf
Nota: ”Do espólio de
Aldrovando Cantagalo faziam parte numerosos originais de obras inéditas, entre
os quais citaremos: O acento cincunflexo-3 volumes; A vírgula no hebraico-5
volumes; Psicologia do til-2 volumes e a A Crase-10 volumes. Pesavam todos, por
conjunto, 4 arrobas, que renderam, vendidos a 3 tostões o quilo, 18 mil réis”
vírgula no hebraico, em cinco volumes! Já pensou? A vírgula, coitadinha, tão
desprezada hoje em dia...Deve have muita gente que jamais usou uma vírgula na
vida e, se usou, usou mal. Parece que ela não serve para nada.
inglês, entretanto, há uma situação em que a vírgula pode fazer toda a
diferença. Veja só:
Lucy has a brother who lives in the USA .
Lucy has a brother, who lives in the USA .
primeira sentença, Lucy tem dois ou mais irmãos, sendo que um deles mora nos
Estados Unidos.
segunda, ela tem apenas um irmão e ele mora nos Estados Unidos.
treinar essa questão das vírgulas, aqui vão algumas sugestões de tipos de
Por que Charlie Brown não usou vírgula? |
1 Use
commas wherever necessary.
a) I’m looking for
a bookstore that sells dictionaries.
b) Mr White whose
reputation is above suspicion is a very modest man.
c) I’m now living
in Croydon which is about 10
miles from London.
d) They say that
honey which is produced by bees is very good for your health.
e) Marconi to whom
we owe the invention of the radio was an Italian scientist.
2 Match
these sentences:
aa) I had to travel first class, ( ) which really annoyed
b) It snowed heavily all night, (
) which means it is quite cheap to
c) Both the girls were late, run.
d) She always did well at
school, ( ) which meant we had to go
e) My car uses very little
petrol, them.
( ) which
was very expensive.
( ) which
certainly pleased her mother.
3 Explain
the difference between these pairs of sentences.
a1) The sheep which had not been brought undfer cover
were killed by the sub-zero temperatures.
a2) The sheep, which had not been brought under cover,
were killed by the sub-zero temperatures.
b1) She has accepted the job which will let her live
in London.
b2) She has accepted the job, which will let her live
in London.
c1) We decided to stop for the night at the first
hotel which had a private bathroom.
c2) We decided to stop for the night at the first
hotel, which had a private bathroom.
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