sábado, 27 de maio de 2017

Comparisons are odious

Constituinte pra quê? Os Dez Mandamentos bastam. Aliás, nem precisa de dez. Sete ou oito devem ser suficientes.

Agora, Shakespear na mídia contemporânea

36. Comparisons are odious 

Tradução: As comparações são odiosas.
Significado: Cada um tem seu valor. Não se devem estabelecer comparações.
Fonte: Much Ado About Nothing, Ato III, cena 5
Exemplo moderno:

Life happens: Comparisons are odious


According to the OED, that phrase has been around since 1440, and has been joyfully pirated by Cervantes, Marlow, Dunne, and, of course, Shakespeare.
The Bard, naturally, put his own spin on it in Much Ado About Nothing by saying “Comparisons are odorous.”

In other words, they stink. In most cases, I’m inclined to agree. Especially in cases when people find themselves comparing grief. In the last week or so, we have lost some giants — David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Glenn Frey — even Grizzly Adams. I’ve seen people getting into word wars all over the social cybersphere, trying to decide which of the greats was the greatest, and whose sorrow is the deepest. (USA TODAY, 20 January 2016)

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