quarta-feira, 24 de maio de 2017

But screw your courage to the sticking-place

Shakespeare na mídia moderna 

33. But screw your courage to the sticking-place
Tradução: Esprema sua coragem até o ponto máximo.
Significado: Vá até o fim.
Fonte: Macbeth, Ato I, cena 7
Macbeth: If we should fail, -
Lady Macbeth: We fail.
But screw your courage to the sticking-place,
And we'll not fail.

Macbeth: E se fracassarmos? ...
Lady Macbeth: Fracassarmos?
Junte toda sua coragem
E não fracassaremos.

Exemplo moderno: How The Industry Can Get More Women Involved In Tech [INTERVIEW]

Lady Macbeth wasn’t involved in startups so far as I recall, but her Shakespearean line “Screw your courage to the sticking place and ye shall not fail” strikes me as a handy maxim. It brings a whole new meaning to duct tape programming too! As the great pioneering computer scientist, U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, said: “A ship in port is safe. That’s not what ships are built for. If you’ve got a good idea, and you know it’s going to work, go ahead and do it.” (https://prowly.com/magazine, 19 March 2016)

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