segunda-feira, 17 de julho de 2017

Neither a borrower nor a lender be

Plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec, plec.
Este sou eu, batendo panela na sacada do meu quarto contra a Nova Corja que se instalou no Alvorada, após ter defenestrado a Velha Corja. Bati panela antes. Volto a fazê-lo agora. O nojo é o mesmo, a raiva é a mesma, os instintos assassinos os mesmos.
I‘d better go back to Shakespeare.

87. Neither a borrower nor a lender be
Tradução: Não emprestes nem dês emprestado.
Significado: Sem capacidade para administrar algo
Fonte: Hamlet, Ato I, cena 3
Polonius: Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

Polônio: Não peças emprestado, nem emprestes;
Pois ao emprestares perdes tanto o dinheiro quanto o amigo,
E pedir emprestado empana o conceito de economia que os amigos têm de ti.

 Exemplo moderno:  Neither a borrower nor a lender be

Borrowing and lending represent as dubious an affair as asking out a pretty girl for coffee. You hesitate, not sure what answer you are going to receive — a borrower. She is reluctant, weighing your sincerity (and perhaps your looks) — a lender. The common ground for both the transactions is trust. And then, why would you not trust someone you know as a friend when he asks for 1000 rupees and promises to pay it back next week, even if you know that he means ‘weeks’ and that his weeks are of 27 days each. (The Hindu, 28 May 2017)

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