sexta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2017

111. Tell the truth and shame the Devil

O noticiário político toda noite me enche de horror e indignação e toda noite eu me pergunto: ‘Por que o paredón só existiu na Cuba de Fidel?’ Aqui entre nós, um murozinho simples, caiado de branco, que fosse de Brasília a Curitiba, viria bem a calhar, não?

111. Tell the truth and shame the Devil
Tradução: Diga a verdade e humilhe o diabo.
Significado:  Diga a verdade, ainda quando tentado a mentir.
Fonte: King Henry IV (1ª Parte), Ato III, cena 1
Hotspur:  And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devil
By telling truth: tell truth and shame the devil.

Hotspur: E eu posso ensinar-te, primo, a humilhar o diabo
Dizendo a verdade: dize a verdade e humilha o diabo.

Exemplo moderno: Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil

There was so much smoke being blown in Washington on Wednesday you could probably see it from the International Space Station.
And it all seemed to come from a single polluter: Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee. His pants were burning from one end of Pennsylvania Avenue to the other.

Nunes seems to prefer serving the constituency of One Who Temporarily Lives in the White House over paying attention to the American people who need some answers: the facts about Russia’s interference with the 2016 election; about whether or not members of Donald Trump’s campaign team colluded with Russian intelligence to support and encourage that interference; and broadly, what’s up with Donald Trump’s business connections to Russian kleptocrats over the years? (, 23 March 2017)

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