domingo, 12 de novembro de 2017

Pitfalls - Part 3

Quosque tandem, Temer, abutere patientia nostra?
Brasilia delenda est.

11 As long as we will be governed by such corrupt politicians, there will be no hope of social justice.

12 "My dream was to run under two minutes and the medal is unbelievable," Belarus's Maryna Arzamasova told European Athletic interviewers.

13 All participants were familiar with the risks of mild alcohol consumption and aware of the tests that were to be performed.

14 On an evening like that, all she could think of was to take a bath in the sea, go back to the hotel and bathe in her  jacuzzi with a glass of nice Italian wine.

15 The driver shouldn’t get the fault for the accident; it was the biker’s blame. (get the fault não existe: a collocation correta é get the blame; blame nunca é precedido do caso genitivo (‘s).

11 Correção: As long as we are governed by such corrupt politicians, there will be no hope of social justice. (Depois de as long as o verbo não pode estar no Simple Future; é o Simple Present que deve ser usado, ainda que o sentido seja de futuro.)

12 Correção: "My dream was to run under two minutes and the medal is unbelievable," Belarus's Maryna Arzamasova told European Athletics interviewers. Athletic interviewers estão em boa forma física e praticam esportes, tais como corrida, natação etc. Athletics (com –s) interviewers especializam-se em fazer reportagens com atletas)

13 Correção: All participants were aware of the risks of mild alcohol consumption and familiar with the tests that were to be performed. (to be aware of: saber, ter consciência de; to be familiar with: estar familiarizado, ‘ficar por dentro’)

14 On an evening like that, all she could think of was to bathe in the sea, go back to the hotel and take a bath in her  jacuzzi with a glass of nice Italian wine. (você só pode take a bath numa bath tub; agora, você pode bathe no mar, num lago, num rio etc.)

15 Correção: The driver shouldn’t get the blame for the accident; it was the biker’s fault. (get the fault não existe: a collocation correta é get the blame; blame nunca é precedido do caso genitivo (‘s).

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